java 初学者_初学者:如何在Outlook 2013中创建,管理和共享日历
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Unless you’re living a life free of responsibilities, the sun probably rises and settles on your daily calendar. If you don’t know what’s going on a daily basis, you can quickly find yourself lost in a maze of missed appointments and surprise meetings.

除非您过着没有责任的生活,否则太阳可能会升起并落在您的日常日历上。 如果您不知道每天发生的事情,您会很快发现自己迷失在错过约会和突击会议的迷宫中。

Let’s talk about Outlook’s Calendars , (perhaps even more so at times), being organized and productive relies on the ability to manage events and get stuff done. One of the things that Outlook does with great aplomb, perhaps better than most other applications, is calendaring. Outlook’s calendar functions are second-to-none when it comes to creating, modifying, and sharing events.

让我们谈谈Outlook的日历, (有时甚至更多),要进行组织和高效地工作,还取决于管理事件和完成工作的能力。 日历是Outlook可以做的一件事,也许比大多数其他应用程序要好。 在创建,修改和共享事件方面,Outlook的日历功能是首屈一指的。

This article will focus primarily on the simple stuff. We’ll show you how to create and manage your calendars, add appointments, meetings, and also share them with others in your address book for easy collaboration. By the time we’re done, we’ll show how beyond using Outlook for the basics like e-mail or , you can incorporate the calendar into your busy life and improve your home or small office.

本文将主要关注简单的内容。 我们将向您展示如何创建和管理日历,添加约会,会议,以及在通讯簿中与其他人共享日历,以实现轻松协作。 到完成时,我们将展示如何将Outlook用作电子邮件或等基础知识, 如何将日历纳入您的忙碌生活并改善您的家庭或小型办公室。

日历基础 (Calendar Basics)

Whenever you use Outlook, you’ll have its calendaring capabilities at your disposal. Even if you don’t have an email account set up, you can still use Outlook for the rest of its features. The calendar works best, however, if you can take advantage of its collaborative capabilities, so using an email account assures you’re able to send meeting invites and receive attendee notifications.

无论何时使用Outlook,您都可以使用它的日历功能。 即使您没有设置电子邮件帐户,仍然可以将Outlook用于其其余功能。 但是,如果您可以利用日历的协作功能,则日历效果最佳。因此,使用电子邮件帐户可确保您能够发送会议邀请和接收与会者通知。

Regardless, here’s your basic, everyday calendar, i.e. the default calendar associated with your default Outlook profile. This is the monthly view, but you can use the functions on the Arrange tab to change the view.

无论如何,这是您的基本日常日历,即与默认Outlook配置文件关联的默认日历。 这是每月视图,但是您可以使用“排列”选项卡上的功能来更改视图。


For example, below is the work week view (versus the whole week view). It’s very simple, with the weather (you can set it to your town), and a search box. If you have any meetings or appointments, you’d see them here, and you can skip to the previous or following week by clicking the “Previous Appointment” or “Next Appointment” buttons, respectively, along the calendar edges.

例如,下面是工作周视图(相对于整个周视图)。 使用天气(您可以将其设置为城镇)和一个搜索框非常简单。 如果您有任何会议或约会,则可以在此处看到它们,并且可以通过分别单击日历边缘的“上一个约会”或“下一个约会”按钮来跳到上一周或下一周。


Let’s move on a bit and focus on how to change your calendar’s arrangement to better suit your specific or particular needs.


发挥日历的力量 (Flexing Your Calendar’s Muscle)

You can do quite a bit to change your calendar’s arrangement and appearance. If you check out the View tab below, you see a whole assortment of styles that you can employ for a calendar that suits your organizational needs.

您可以做很多事情来更改日历的排列和外观。 如果您查看下面的“查看”选项卡,则会看到可用于适合您组织需求的日历的各种样式。


Check out the following calendar. We’ve made some minor changes to its appearance. For one, you can change the color, which is a subtle but nice touch.

查看以下日历。 我们对其外观进行了一些小的更改。 首先,您可以更改颜色,这是一种微妙但不错的感觉。


The View tab lets you add several other views to accentuate the mode you’re in. For example, there’s the To-Do Bar, which lets you add calendars, people, and tasks to the right-hand column (see above). This To-Do Bar is customizable to the mode you’re in, so even if you’ve got the tasks and calendar enabled, as in the above screenshot, if you switch to your inbox, you will need to re-enable the To-Do Bar.

通过“视图”选项卡,您可以添加其他几个视图来强调您所处的模式。例如,有“待办事项栏”,可以将日历,人员和任务添加到右侧栏中(请参见上文)。 该待办事项栏可根据您所处的模式进行自定义,因此,即使您已启用任务和日历,如上面的屏幕截图所示,如果切换到收件箱,也需要重新启用“待办事项” -做吧。

It’s a good idea to play around with the View tab in each mode because they’ll not all be exactly the same. For example, the Reading Pane isn’t much use in the calendar view, but it’s definitely a great addition to you inbox.

在每种模式下使用“视图”选项卡是一个好主意,因为它们并不完全相同。 例如,“阅读窗格”在日历视图中并没有多大用处,但绝对是您收件箱中的一大补充。


Similarly, check out a daily calendar view with the Daily Task View enabled. You can see here you daily calendar with your due tasks below.

同样,在启用了“每日任务视图”的情况下签出每日日历视图。 您可以在此处查看每日日历以及下面的到期任务。


We’ll talk a great deal more about tasks in an upcoming article, but now let’s focus on everything you might want to know about appointments and meetings.


添加约会和会议 (Adding Appointments and Meetings)

Let’s look at setting up appointments and meetings. In the following example, we’re organizing a pizza party. The subject of course, is the nature of the appointment, and while a pizza party isn’t necessarily an “appointment,” you get the idea. You can then add other specifics such as where the pizza party is taking place, and its start and end times.

让我们看看设置约会和会议。 在以下示例中,我们将组织一次比萨派对。 当然,主题是约会的性质,虽然比萨派对不一定是“约会”,但您会想到的。 然后,您可以添加其他详细信息,例如披萨派对的举行地点,开始时间和结束时间。


There’s a lot of space (technically unlimited) to add notes, instructions, or directions to the event. Of course, it’s not much of a party if you don’t have other people there. So we’ll need to invite some attendees. Once you invite people, it’s no longer considered an appointment. Instead, Outlook changes it to a meeting. In the following screenshot, we see our new appointment turned meeting.

有大量空间(技术上不受限制)可为事件添加注释,说明或指示。 当然,如果您没有其他人在那儿,聚会就不多了。 因此,我们需要邀请一些与会者。 邀请他人后,就不再视为约会。 而是,Outlook将其更改为会议。 在以下屏幕截图中,我们看到了新的约会变成会议。

You can type in names by hand, or click the “To” button to add attendees from your address book. If you haven’t set up an address book yet, as well as , like Gmail.

您可以手动输入姓名,或单击“收件人”按钮以从通讯录中添加与会者。 如果您尚未设置通讯簿, 以及 (例如Gmail) 。


You can cut straight to the chase and simply click “New Meeting” from the Ribbon’s Home tab. When you’re inviting attendees, you have the option of requesting further Response Options.

您可以直接追逐,只需在功能区的“主页”选项卡中单击“新会议”即可。 邀请与会者时,可以选择请求其他“响应选项”。


If you request a response (rather than simply putting the word out and leaving it at that), then invitees will have a chance to RSVP. Note, this works wonderfully with a Microsoft product such as an Outlook.com e-mail account, where you’re given response options directly in the message.

如果您要求答复(而不是简单地把这个词放掉然后留在那儿),那么被邀请者将有机会RSVP。 请注意,这与Microsoft产品(例如Outlook.com电子邮件帐户)完美配合,可以在邮件中直接获得响应选项。


In Gmail, you’ll be able to act on an invite in pretty much the same way. However you respond, it will be sent to the event organizer and automatically added to their Outlook.

在Gmail中,您几乎可以按照相同的方式处理邀请。 无论您如何响应,它将被发送到事件组织者并自动添加到他们的Outlook中。

Now that we’re clear on appointments and meetings, we’ll move on to modifying and canceling them because change is inevitable, and sometimes our best laid plans fall through.


修改或取消会议和跟踪响应 (Modifying or Canceling Meetings and Tracking Responses)

Something has come up, and we need to move our pizza party to Saturday night. This is no problem for us but what about our attendees? Well, their plans are entirely up to them, but Outlook at least makes it easy to alert them to changes.

发生了什么事,我们需要将比萨派对移至周六晚上。 对我们来说这没问题,但是与会者呢? 好的,他们的计划完全取决于他们,但是Outlook至少可以很容易地提醒他们更改。

To modify a meeting and alert your attendees, first open the event from your Outlook calendar and make the changes you need. In this case, we’re just moving the meeting back one day. Note, that you can click “Send Update” and your invitees will be updated on the change.

要修改会议并提醒与会者,请首先从Outlook日历中打开活动并进行所需的更改。 在这种情况下,我们只是将会议推迟一天。 请注意,您可以单击“发送更新”,您的被邀请者将根据更改进行更新。


At this point, if any attendees had previously accepted your invitation, they will need to re-accept it.


Now might be a good time to show how to track your meeting’s progress. Click the “Tracking” button and from here you can see your meeting’s progress. Right now, only one invitee has accepted so maybe this Saturday isn’t such a good time.

现在可能是展示如何跟踪会议进度的好时机。 单击“跟踪”按钮,从这里您可以查看会议的进度。 目前,只有一位受邀者接受了邀请,所以也许这个星期六不是一个好时机。


Uh oh, again something has just come up and we need to cancel the meeting. Simply click the “Cancel Meeting” button. Your invite will now change and you will get a “Send Cancelation” button to click and send out the bad news.

嗯,再次出现了一些问题,我们需要取消会议。 只需单击“取消会议”按钮。 您的邀请现在将更改,您将获得“发送取消”按钮以单击并发送坏消息。


It’s as easy as that, your previous invitees will receive an updated email and the event will be removed from your Outlook calendar.


大事记 (Events)

With your appointments-turned-meetings entered and saved, you’ll see it on your calendar. When you hover over it, you’ll see the pertinent details. At this point, if everything is good, you can leave it and move on to other things.

输入并保存约会转换后的会议,您将在日历上看到它。 将鼠标悬停在它上面时,您会看到相关的详细信息。 在这一点上,如果一切都很好,则可以离开并继续进行其他工作。


If, however, you want to change or delete it, you can open it by either double-clicking it or using the appropriate action on the Ribbon, which here is the “Open” button.



You can also access many of the same ribbon controls from the right-click context menu.



With your meeting or appointment open, note the Options tab, which will let you affect some changes such as changing your status (Busy, Tentative, Out of Office, etc.), set a reminder, change the time zone, and finally set the event as a recurring one.



Recurring events are common, such as a weekly meeting or quarterly earnings event, or just lunch with a friend, so it’s good to know how to set them. As you can see from the screenshot, this should be pretty easy to work out. You can set the time of the appointment, the pattern, and of course the range or how long the recurrence will occur.

定期发生的事件很常见,例如每周一次的会议或每季度的收入事件,或者只是与朋友共进午餐,因此最好知道如何设置它们。 从屏幕截图中可以看到,这应该很容易解决。 您可以设置约会时间,模式,当然还可以设置范围或重复发生的时间。


You see in the following image, we’ve set up a recurring event for every Monday at 1:00pm, which will continue indefinitely.

您可以在下图中看到,我们为每个星期一的1:00 pm设置了一个定期活动,该活动将无限期地继续。


It’s important to remember that while meetings and appointments do have several key differences, they still look and can be modified the same way, so all the options you see for appointments will be the same for meetings.


将文件或文档附加到日历项目 (Attaching a File or Document to a Calendar item)

Let’s imagine you’ve made an appointment, such as to take your pet to the vet, or to get your oil changed, and in either case, you have a document or image you want to attach to it so you don’t forget.


In the following example, we’re getting our oil changed finally, and we’ve got a coupon for it. You could print out the coupon and try to remember it beforehand, or you could simply attach it to the appointment so when Outlook reminds you, the coupon is right there so you can print it while you’re thinking about it.

在下面的示例中,我们终于要换油了,并有一张优惠券。 您可以打印出优惠券并事先记住它,也可以将其附加到约会中,这样当Outlook提醒您时,优惠券就在那里,因此您可以在考虑时打印它。


In order to do this, you want to click the “Attach File” and then browse to the location where it is saved. You can either insert the file as is, paste it inline as text, or insert the location of the file as a hyperlink. In this instance, we’re just going to attach the PDF as is.

为此,您想单击“附加文件”,然后浏览到保存该文件的位置。 您可以按原样插入文件,将其内联粘贴为文本,也可以将文件的位置插入为超链接。 在这种情况下,我们将按原样附加PDF。


Of course, this is going to be a highly useful feature if you need to share documents for a business meeting, send out study materials to students, or whenever the situation might call for supplementary information.


管理和共享日历 (Managing and Sharing Calendars)

Managing calendars will let you accomplish two things. You can open calendars from various sources, and you can create and save calendar groups.

管理日历将使您完成两件事。 您可以从各种来源打开日历,还可以创建和保存日历组。


If you click the “Open Calendar” button, you can create a calendar from several sources including from the Internet, or you can create a blank calendar. One advantage of creating a blank calendar is that you’re able to keep your work and home life separate.

如果单击“打开日历”按钮,则可以从多个来源(包括Internet)创建日历,也可以创建空白日历。 创建空白日历的一个优点是,您可以将工作和家庭生活区分开。


In the following screenshot, you see several calendars have been created, and we’ve also created a special group for work. You can actually drag events from one calendar to another; you see how we have an entry for a weekly meeting in the two calendar we’ve selected to show.

在以下屏幕截图中,您将看到已创建了多个日历,并且我们还创建了一个特殊的工作组。 实际上,您可以将事件从一个日历拖到另一个日历。 您会看到我们在选择显示的两个日历中如何有一个每周会议的条目。


Being able to drag events across calendars means that if you’ve spent time adding an appointment or meeting, if you later decide it needs to be on a different calendar, you don’t need to recreate the events.


Finally, you can share calendars, which should be pretty self-explanatory, of note though is the ability to e-mail a calendar. We , this is simply another way to accomplish it. Here in the following screenshot, you see what happens when you use this option.

最后,您可以共享日历,这应该是不言而喻的,尽管可以通过电子邮件发送日历。 我们 ,这只是完成它的另一种方法。 在下面的屏幕截图中,您将看到使用此选项时发生的情况。


You can specify which calendar you share, the date range (from a single day to the whole calendar), level of details to share (simple availability, limited, and full details), and then there’s a few Advanced options you can use.


Sharing in this way means that you can quickly, easily, and seamlessly disseminate your calendar information with other Outlook users, as well as integrate calendars sent to you.


日历选项 (Calendar Options)

There’s quite a few calendar options to sort through (though not quite as many as with e-mail). Most of these options are intended to configure the calendar to work more effectively with your professional and personal needs.

有很多日历选项可以进行分类(尽管不如电子邮件那么多)。 这些选项中的大多数旨在配置日历,使其更有效地满足您的专业和个人需求。


For example, you can change your work hours and work week, add holidays, change the time zone, set the default color, and even choose between Fahrenheit and Celsius. Work your way through them at your leisure and try out what works best for you.

例如,您可以更改工作时间和工作时间,添加假期,更改时区,设置默认颜色,甚至可以在华氏和摄氏之间进行选择。 在闲暇时通过它们来解决问题,并尝试最适合您的方法。

The calendar features in Outlook are top-notch and if you work in an organization with a central Exchange server, then you’re likely familiar with how you can collaborate on shared calendars, see events, and more. All of this seamlessly works within your own local Outlook installation for added power and convenience.

Outlook中的日历功能是一流的,如果您在具有中央Exchange服务器的组织中工作,那么您可能会熟悉如何在共享日历上进行协作,查看事件等。 所有这些都可以在您自己的本地Outlook安装中无缝运行,以增强功能和便利。

At home, it’s nice to have a calendar with so many features in the same program. There’s no need to switch from an e-mail app to your calendar app, you can schedule events and quickly invite participants with just a few clicks of the mouse button, and much more.

在家里,很高兴在同一程序中拥有具有众多功能的日历。 无需从电子邮件应用程序切换到日历应用程序,您可以安排活动并只需单击几下鼠标按钮即可快速邀请参与者,等等。

But, that’s enough talking from us. Why don’t we hear from you now? Let us know your thoughts or lend your comments in our discussion forum.

但是,与我们交谈就足够了。 我们为什么现在没有收到您的来信? 让我们知道您的想法或在我们的论坛中提出您的意见。


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